Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 33

Well I haven't wrote in about 15 days.. which means I've been living in Washington for a month now ! ! ! ! Most days have been the same but a couple exciting things have happened.
1. I got my car on the road. After all this dramma with trying to get my license switched over I didn't need too after all. But now that my car is registered under my name I can get my license so much easier.
2. Nicole has hit her 13 week mark in her pregnancy. Everyday her belly is growing and it is so exciting that I'm here to be a part of it. Despite the morning/afternoon/night sickness that she gets once in a while its crazy all the things she is craving. I have to say the oddest thing she wants is apples with salt. yes I said salt.
3. I've fallen in love with baking!!! Nicole and I make pumpkin bread last week and ever since then I've just been wanting to bake. Today we made more pumpkin bread along with a pumpkin cake roll with cream cheese. It was simply amazing.
4. MY SISTER GOT ENGAGED ! ! !! I think I've said this a million times now but its about darn time :) I love Stephen like a brother so them getting married just makes him family!! I'm sad that I wasn't in the Bahamas when it happened but I'm glad my parents were there to be a part of it.

I'm trying to convince mom and dad that they want to visit for my birthday. It will be super cool for them to come out and see what Oak Harbor is really about. (even though there is nothing here). I'm also going to try and come home in April for opening day.. I mean my dad's birthday and nicole's birthday :) I wanna come home the start of April so I'm back here before the baby is born. I have to be here for HER birth :)

Today was a fun day!! We started out by going to Coupeville to go pumpkin picking. I of course picked the ugliest pumpkin out when Nicole and Preston picked out such nice ones. My excuse was I didn't want it to be the only pumpkin not to be bought :) We got home and decided that we were going to have dinner before carving so Mike and Jaime can come over with their pumpkins to carve. Dinner was soo good (thanks Vicki) The guys came over with their pumpkins and since theirs were store bought they were HUGE. I don't think I've ever seen a pumpkin that big! We started out with the carving and it turned into a huge mess but it was so much fun. If you head over to my facebook you can see the final results in the pumpkin carving :) Of course I carved NY in mine so EVERYONE knows where I'm from!! I might be on the west coast now but I'll ALWAYS be a New Yorker at heart!!

Now I'm just hanging out watching tv. I think we have to go on a midnight run to drop off some pumpkin bread to one of the MA's but then its bed time..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 15

Well today was an EVENTFUL day!!!
Woke up and Nicole & I had some breakfast. She made these orange rolls that were de-lish! After breakfast we decided that we were going to go for a walk and take Boo-Boo with us. Well on our way home there were 2 unleashed dogs roaming around. They seemed friendly so we slowly walked toward them. We walked past them, got smelt alittle and kept on walking. Well the one dog (a beautiful boxer) started to follow us jumping around. We looked all over for its owner so we decided to take it home and list him on craigslist in the lost and found section and also the pet section.
We named her Sydney. I have no idea where the name came from but Nicole called her that and she actually listened so that is what we've been calling her. She is a very well behaved dog except we aren't sure how she will be around Boo-Boo so we've kept Boo-Boo locked in Nicole's room for the day.
I really hope the owners check craigslist because we can't keep her. If the owners don't come forward a friend of mine said he would take her for the time being. I told him that if he takes her I promise to help out with her. She's kinda growing onto me.

Its 9:30pm now and me and her are just hanging out in my room. Well its more like I'm laying in bed and she is laying at the door wanting to run around the house. But its Boo-Boo's time to run the house!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 14

So today started out like just the rest. I woke up, went for a jog and then sat home all day.

My jog was nice, I went towards the Navy Exchange which meant I could jog on the beach ANOTHER huge plus!! I jogged for a while and then I found a nice spot to just sit and relax for a little while. It's nice to sit at the beach and see the mountains with snow on top in the distance. Twenty minutes later I decided that I was going to stroll back home. When I got home Nicole was awake. She was also alive looking and getting out of her bed which is a HUGE plus. Sitting home all day with no one to talk to is pretty boring. We hung out in the living room, watched tv and ate lunch. We took an afternoon stroll to the mailbox, nothing good. I do have to say that super market sales here start on Wednesday which is quite odd.

We wanted to go out but had no car to go out with. Preston was on duty all day so he was going to get home later then usual but not that much later. He got home and Nicole and I were ready to head to the commissary to pick up some dinner. We picked up the salmon that we ordered a couple days ago. We get to the check out and realize that we have NO money on us. We begged the guy at the cashier to hold our stuff while we ran to get money. Well we REALLY needed to hurry because the commissary closes at 7pm and it was already 6:30pm. I called Preston on the way home to be standing outside with money in hand so we can just turn around and go back. The nice cashier had our stuff ready, we paid and headed home. The salmon was great, so tasty. Vicki said the cat even enjoyed some.

Nicole and I went for a walk with BooBoo. It was nice to get out even though we were both in shorts and it was so cold. But after a few houses we were numb anyway so we kept on walking. It was nice, the moon was HUGE and there were a ton of stars in the sky. We walked and admired all the houses that had Halloween decorations, well we were more like seeing what ideas we could use for the house. We really need more decorations on the house because what we do have isn't much and doesn't look 100%. As we were walking home we both wondered if the car speed counter would count our speed so OF COURSE we had to try it out and IT WORKS !!!! We did it about 10 times and we felt we needed to head home to get Preston to make him try it also. I ran 8mph, Nicole ran 10mph and Preston ran 14mph, one more mph and Preston would of being going over the speed limit and the lights would of started to flash!

We got back and hung out for alittle in the living room, I have a headache so I came up to my room. Listening to some music and now ready for bed.. so good night :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 13

I know I know I skipped DAY 12 but I honestly didn't do anything all day. The only thing that did happen was at 1130pm Vicki and I took Nicole to the ER because she was sick all day and we wanted to make sure her and the baby were okay, which they are!

So today is day 13 that I've been here and it was pretty much like the rest of my days here. Got up, ate breakfast, watched tv and hung out at home. I'm pretty sure that I took about a dozen naps today. I guess getting home at almost 2am would do that to a person. I was fine with it, not much you can do without a car. Which I should be getting soon!

There are a couple things that Preston has to fix on it and I'll be ready to go. Once its fixed then I'll go get insurance and register it and by then I should have ALL the paper work for getting my license out here. It's really been a total pain in the butt trying to get all the proofs I need.

Checked the mail around 5pm and I got my last check from Amerivents. It's always nice to get a $90 check in the mail. I actually forgot about it so it was more of a surprise!! I just hope that everyone else who worked on September 13th got there check also!

Well Nicole made stuffed peppers tonight and they were good! Nothing beats Mom's home cooked food but it sure was good!
We watched One Tree Hill together and that was also good. Can any show these days go on without someone getting punched by someone else? I just don't understand it.

I'm back in my bed now and going to actually try to get some sleep. So good night all :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 11

Day 11 has come and is almost gone! Woke up this morning to the most amazing smell ever, gravy, sausage and biscuits. I have to say that had to be the best breakfast I've had in soo long and SO much better then Cracker Barrel will EVER make it !!!
Right after breakfast I got a phone call from the guy who was going to deliver my NEW bed!! He called at about 10:40am and told me that he will be at the house at 11:36am. YES he did give me the EXACT time and sure enough at 11:36am he was ringing the door bell. I can't believe that man drove 2 hours, set up my bed and put everything together for $100. I'm so thankful for him because now I can sleep and not by the morning be laying on the floor.
I decided that since I got a new bed I wanted new sheets and pillow cases. Kmart was having such a great sale on bedding and bath stuff so we headed there. Well I forgot that I gave the delivery guy my last hundred in cash that we had to stop at walmart first so I can cash a check. After cashing the check we headed to Kmart and I picked out the nicest bedding. I also got a pack of 6 wash cloths for $3.00 I was super excited. While walking around Walmart earlier Nicole and I decided that we were going to throw a Halloween party and lucky for us it was ready on a Saturday. While walking around Kmart we were looking at things for our party but it was super expensive, I did however remember seeing a Dollar Tree that had a sign "Halloween Headquarters EVERYTHING $1.00" so we thought it would be a good idea to check there out.
We got there and we were in Halloween party heaven. We picked up so many decorations for the outside of the house (I'll post a picture when the house is finished). $20 later and we were on our way home. Stopped for gas at the Navy Exchange and picked up Ghost of Girlfriend's Past. Got home and about 30 minutes later dinner was ready, meatloaf, baked potato and string beans, once again it was a great meal. (thanks Vicki). After dinner 2 of Preston's friends stopped by to say hello and then Mike came over to drop off some AMAZING apples that he got off his tree.
Everyone left so Nicole, Preston and myself made some popcorn and watched the movie. It was such a good movie and I recommend everyone go rent it. After the movie Preston and I played 2 games of Call Of Duty, I have to say.. I SUCK!!! As you can tell I didn't last after the 2 games because I'm sitting here writing. But I shall go to bed now because we are all going to church as a family. It should be nice :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 10

Wow I can't believe its only been 10 days that I've been here, I feel like I've always lived here.
I love waking up to a fresh brewed pot of coffee (thanks Vicki) I went downstairs and sat on the porch for a little while with Vicki talking and laughing. Something always happens in this house that I just can't help but laugh about. Around 11am Nicole decided to get out of bed and we had to go to the NEX and Commissary for the food we didn't pick up at Safeway yesterday. It was mostly meats and some little things.

We got home and it was lunch time. Yogurt for me, I'm doing really good with eating 3 times a day and little snacky stuff in between. I've decided that I want to lose at least 10 lbs by April when hopefully I come home for my sister's birthday. We hung out at the house for the rest of the day. I wanted to go for a walk or run but for some reason the couch is the place I stayed all day.

Vicki started dinner, we were having Chili for dinner. Nicole's step mom Karen and her brother were going to join us for dinner. From the time she started dinner the house smelt soo good. We ate around 6pm and it was amazing. Growing up we really never ate chili but I've had it at other people's houses but this happened to be THE BEST I've ever had. She also made us corn bread :)
Dinner was amazing and we were all totally stuffed. I hung out downstairs for a little while till my heart burn was too much to deal with so I came up stairs to lay down. Watched a couple tv shows on the computer to catch up and now here I write to who ever really reads this !!!

But its bed time and I think maybe IF I just go to sleep my heart burn will go away..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 9

Today started out just like the rest of my mornings, wake up and do nothing. Stephanie down the block asked us to run to some office on base for her so Nicole and I actually woke up, got dress and did hair and make up.

We picked up Stephanie's car to head to the office when we decided while we were out that we were going to accomplish our shopping list that I was holding on too. Well we got to the office, didn't have the right papers to drop off so Nicole and I went back to Stephanie's house to drop off the un-necessary papers. We ended up dropping off the car and going home for lunch.

Lunch was yummy and Nicole's friend dropped off some home made potato salad.. It sure was YUMMY!!! Next thing I knew we were both taking a nap. I woke up around 230pm and so did Nicole. We just bummed it till P-Mac got home so we can have the car.
We headed out to get manicures and pedicures. Talk about nice and relaxing and very much needed!!!

After our mani and pedi we went up to safeway to accomplish our shopping list. We got everything we needed plus more. After all these years of working in supermarkets I have no idea why I think food shopping is so much fun. Any other types of shopping I would definitely skip. Of course we go to the line to check out where the lady in front of us is as slow as shit and wouldn't help bag and then when it was our turn we got a bagger that ended up being useless. How do you ONLY put 2 cans in one bag and then try to double it? 1. that was super light and didn't need two bags and 2. talk about not promoting re-use able bags. Such a waste. I ended up dumping a ton more in each bag before we left.

Tacos for dinner was so amazing and then Nicole made strawberry short cake that was even better. We hung out after dinner and watched Grey's.. Very good and I'm happy I watched and then I watched Private Practice.. Great show ! !!

Now its bed time. I hope that tomorrow and the weekend is great :)